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Radiomation News

News production is probably the most time-critical activity in Radio.

The Radiomation News System has been recognised as one of the most powerful, technically advanced systems for the collection, editing and presentation of Radio Newscasts. It has been refined by journalists over many years so that it has become the perfect tool for the job. From small single local stations to the vastly greater demands of the BBC North region and PA Broadcast, we've been there - and our products reflect the experience. Radiomation news integrates text and audio production. It has the capacity to collect news actuality and text from agency sources over cable satellite or the Internet, or locally input items. It includes all of the utilities to enable the components to be worked into stories. The prepared stories can be compiled into a fully timed newscast within seconds. It allows presentation of the resulting newscast to air, either autonomously, or operator-assisted via the On Air computer in the control room. The entire newscast can be recorded and encoded for onward transfer to associated stations, or to a website as either streaming or discrete bulletins. Recent developments in Internet connectivity allow the journalists on the beat to be as connected as if they were in the office, further increasing the usefulness of a world class product.


  • A news system comprises one main News Editor's computer - which can double as the news server, one or many News Workstations, and optionally, one or more News Wire Capture Computers - computers dedicated to collecting text and audio from outside sources.
  • The system is scaleable: it can be 'right-sized' to suit the particular requirements of each station.
  • Each workstation can work on the same story simultaneously and independently if required.
  • The News Editor's machine may double as a presentation machine for newscasts. Scripts may be printed on paper, or presented with scrolling scripts on screen as required.
  • News Wire Capture Computers may be connected to a satellite, Internet or other wire terminal to serve both text and audio clips for the incoming stories. This makes for paperless and tapeless news gathering. We have filters for most services: PA, Reuters, IRN, INN, etc.
  • Digital audio editors are bundled with the system which include many unique and useful utilities to clean up the incoming audio if required, including noise reduction, compression, filtration, in addition to the usual cut, paste & overlap editing.
  • Integration with the rest of the station's computers allows transferring of audio from, say, an interview in the Production studio to the Newsroom for subsequent use in local newscasts.
  • The running order of a newscast may be changed and changed again right up to the last minute.
  • New stories can be added even while newscast is going out on air.
  • If desired, stringer payment can be triggered automatically when a story for a newscast is selected for broadcast.
  • Archiving of stories can be automatic, or semi-automatic. Websites can be fed from the news system by a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • The system features a central Contacts Database, accessible from all workstations, so that new contacts are available to all immediately, and the contacts book never goes missing.
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